(618) 239-0215

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For the last five weeks, we have been together as a family, myself, Cristina, Daniel and Timotei living in an area that has between 60 and 70,000 refugees and ministering to them. We so appreciate your financial help at this time that we can make a difference in the lives of those here as well as around the country. They are in need of food, diapers, water, medication, general supplies and all of this is made possible by friends like you.
We are honored that you have enabled us to welcome the refugees coming from Ukraine and are going west to the United States or other countries. We are at the place where our home has become a transition for them to rest, take a shower and have a peaceful night so they can make the right decisions of where they are going and leaving everything behind. Their work, where they lived, everything that they dreamed they would have and everything that they had in their lives has been left behind...
As most of you know we are here in Romania on the border with Ukraine and Moldova and we would like to say that it is challenging. We are working with refugees and thank God for our hard-working national missionaries in Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. Personally, we have refugees staying with us in our home and we thank God for this opportunity and that we have a home to receive them...
Last year was still very productive on the mission field in spite of the ongoing pandemic and restrictions that it has brought to all of us. The Lord can make a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:19). In the Gypsy villages throughout Romania, there continues to be growth and revival where our co-laboring is producing fruit. Churches are outgrowing their facilities which usually begin in homes as it is in Calarasi (below) where we ministered....
What a great privilege to travel through the land of Romania, which is our great loves to visit this precious gypsy church and to see the saints excited as we were there helping them to remodel the building and finish the balcony (above). By the grace of God they were able to partially finish but we pray that the Lord would help us to make a difference....
Last year was still very productive on the mission field in spite of the ongoing pandemic and restrictions that it has brought to all of us. The Lord can make a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:19). In the Gypsy villages throughout Romania, there continues to be growth and revival where our co-laboring is producing fruit. Churches are outgrowing their facilities which usually begin in homes as it is in Calarasi (below) where we ministered....
By the Grace of God, we had the opportunity to travel in Romania where we were invited to speak at the Toflea church. What a great blessing to see the fruitfulness of our labors among our brothers and sisters in Christ. A number of people came to the Lord as we ministered the Word of God for renewing their salvation and some for the first time made the commitment to follow Him and the Lord graciously touched them with the healing power of Jesus Christ.
What a great blessing we had by God’s grace to travel through Romania and minister in the gypsy church of Munteni. We thank God we had been invited to be able to continue to encourage the precious saints there. At the same time, they reached out to us and asked if we could help in making a difference in this area and expand the church by building a balcony...
What a great privilege and honor to be in the northern part of the Republic of Moldova where we had the privilege to be at the wedding of a young couple. Here in our countries, we are still marrying men and women and we are so privileged that the family has remained as God intended. This is the daughter of Brother Rubin who is the bishop of the northern region of Moldova that we have spoken about many times...
We have a great opportunity in the city of Ploiesti, Romania, where we went to dedicate the new church (above) for the gypsy community which was purchased by the grace of God through our partners in the United States. We want to say thank you so much for this dream to become a reality for this group of gypsies where they have a place to worship and to glorify the Lord.
As we travel here through the land of Romania we continue to have great opportunities to minister among the gypsies and we see a people group who are forgotten, persecuted and looked down upon. The Lord has helped us to be close to them in a house church and as you can see in the picture, it’s just like during the time the apostles went from house to house preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ.
What a great honor and privilege as we traveled through the Republic of Moldova. I had the privilege to go and share the Gospel in the town of Slobozia Mare where people gathered together outside. What a privilege this is after being inside and locked down. All of these people came and took in the free air as they were hungry to hear the Good News of the Gospel.